Scrip is a great way to help the parish.
The way it works:
1. You buy Scrip from one of the volunteers. For example a $20 Safeway card
2. You use it at the store as you would a gift card. In our example it would be a card that is worth $20 dollars at Safeway.
3. Your parish gets a percentage of the sale, depending on the vendor. In the case of our Safeway example it is 4%
Just think. If you spend $1000.00 dollars a year on groceries, you just gave the parish $40. If 100 people do the same, the parish just received $4000! It's a great way to support your parish.
For more information:
eScrip is just as free. All you do is link your Safeway card to our parish "St. Martin Parish," and every time you use your card the parish gets 4% of what you spent. It doesn't affect you or cost you anything. How easy is that?
Just click on the following link to sign up: