There was a time that the parish was the center of the community. At the center of most towns was the Church, and people's lives revolved around their faith. These days, that notion is all but gone, and most of us only think about the Church on Sundays. Yet, I have to wonder how beautiful our lives would be if we actually DID place not just our Church, but also our FAITH as the center of the community. We would stop by our parish for Bible study, youth groups, prayer, or just to run into our friends to hang out for a bit. Our faith and our lives would be inextricably united, and we would think about Our Lord every moment of every day. How great that would be!
Let's try something. This week let's remember our brothers and sisters of St. Martin Parish by saying a little prayer for them every day. Something simple, like an Our Father or Hail Mary. Let's also make it a habit to read the parish bulletin and check up on the parish website to see what's going on in our Parish, with hopes of participating. As time goes on, we hope to have more and more activities in our Parish, with the hope that one day soon, our Parish and our Faith will again be the center of our lives.