In this coming Sunday’s readings we will hear from Psalm 23, “I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” How beautiful and comforting are these words! If these words are true, then why do many people fear death? Most don’t even want to talk about the subject, much less prepare for it. Why? Is it because we do not believe in life eternal, or in the immortality of our soul, or do we not believe the words of Jesus stating that there is a place prepared for us in heaven? Do we doubt that Jesus conquered death through His very own passion, death, and resurrection?
If we believe all of these things, then why be afraid? The only reason to be afraid is if I am unprepared to meet my Lord, such as if I am living in sin, or distanced from God. In that case, instead of living in fear, I should work towards coming to God. I should go to confession and be purified by the Precious Blood of Christ, I should reconcile myself with my brothers and sisters, and I should seek to cleanse my soul that my conscience may be at peace. Above all I should frequent Communion.
If my soul is at peace, there is nothing to fear. If I am close to Our Lord and He says to me, “Come,” I will go immediately with great joy, knowing that He loves me so much and that He has a place for me. Death of the flesh in this world is only the beginning of life eternal, a life that is greater than that of today, for it is a life in perfect communion with our God, a life filled with true love and eternal peace! We must never be afraid, for Christ is by our side!